Terms of Service
​​The time it takes to finish your commission varies from 1 week - 1.5 months, depending on the commission. If anything comes up that will slow my progress, I will let you know.
I take breaks on Friday, Saturday and Sundays​
prices are non-negotiable
Making small edits to the artwork for personal use is all right!
I have the right to refuse a commission for any reason at all.
Please do not rush me during the process of the commission.
No refunds once paid and I'm halfway through your commission.
Please make sure to credit me if you ever post my artwork online
All drawings will include a small subtle sign/signature that you may not remove.
I will make sure to update you with WIP processes every now and then to see if you would want any changes.
References are HIGHLY recommended and encouraged, this way I can give you the best possible results when it’s completed
if I haven't yet started your commission and you'd like to cancel or have me remove you from the waitlist, feel free to tell me.
You reserve the right to print or create an otherwise physical reproduction of the Artwork as long as it is for your PERSONAL use only (ie. NOT for sale).